Idea Exchanges: Trends in Value Analysis 
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 11, 2019, 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM
Location Name
Grand Canyon 6

Host: Mary (Beth) Potter, RN, BS, CVAHP, Independent Value Analysis Consultant, AHVAP

Value Analysis programs have developed into a foundational part of IDNs performance improvement activities and have taken center-stage to address the cost savings versus patient care dilemma. The Idea Exchange will discuss your challenges in operating value analysis programs, recent successes that could be multiplied across other IDNs, requirements to build a successful program, best value analysis practices for suppliers and other topics during what promises to be a lively discussion. 


Learning Objectives: 

1) Analyze successful value analyze programs. 

2) Demonstrate best practices for successful value analysis programs. 

3) Outline steps for supplier success.